Sunday, December 6, 2015


Last night one of my dear friends moved back to Florida from Cali, so it was a huge gathering! I'd decided that I would drink only one night this month and that's when we go out to celebrate my best friend's birthday. 
NOT drinking socially was a HUGE challenge! But I did it and as a result ended up drinking *90* ounces of water instead. 

That's how I felt about that. What a HUGE success for me! The majority of the weight that I've gained in the past 3 years has definitely been the result of too much alcohol and subsequent shitty eating. When I wanted to get serious about getting back into shape back in September, October and November were filled with weekends where drinking would be the norm. Food and Wine Fest, a night of dancing, birthday parties, etc. Land mines abound! I didn't think that I'd be able to avoid drinking at those events. Welp, that is demonstrably untrue. I've done it before. It just takes mental preparation before the event and a cup constantly filled with water. I look forward to reporting back after next Friday and Saturday night's festivities! 

I've got to learn to deal with the land mines instead of feeling they are inevitable. They are not. But what is inevitable is the passage of time and that August 6th I can either be happy with my progress or disappointed in myself for not being more disciplined. I'd prefer to be happy with my determination and progress!

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